Pooled Classrooms
Capacity: 10-400

Event Management coordinates the reservation/booking of pooled classrooms throughout the Danforth Campus. Pooled classroom facilities are managed by the Center for Teaching & Learning. For more information about individual classrooms, including, AV equipment, capacities, amenities, room diagrams and pictures, please visit the Teaching Center Classroom Directory.
Amenities & Equipment
Classrooms are are equipped with a variety of equipment to enhance the learning experience.
Clients may use the amenities to set up the room themselves. All items must be returned to their proper place prior to the end of the reservation time to avoid an emergency rate post-clean.
Food & Drink
You may bring food/drink into pooled classrooms provided:
- You are serving food from a licensed caterer or restaurant; OR
- Serving pre-packaged store bought foods and follow all food safe service guidelines; AND
- You contact WFF or ResLife Housekeeping to schedule a post-clean of the classroom at least 3 days prior to the scheduled use. Campus Partner Contact Page
- Pooled Classrooms that do not have a post-clean scheduled in advance will encounter an emergency cleaning fee.
Classroom Notes
Pooled Classrooms are available beginning two weeks after the start of each new academic semester. Pooled classrooms are not available during scheduled university breaks.
Pooled classrooms are booked heavily with academic classes Mondays-Fridays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Mondays-Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. The availability of pooled classrooms during these times is extremely limited.
The teaching desk may not be moved. Any damages incurred by trying to move the desk will be the responsibility of the client.
No furniture may be removed from the classrooms; hallways cannot be used as part of the reservation.