McMillan Cafe
Capacity: 49

McMillan Café is located within McMillan Hall, originally the University’s first women’s dormitory, on the Danforth Campus.
Suggested Floorplans
Standard Set: Empty Room Fire code 49 |
Hollow Square for 28 |
Banquet for 48 |
Included Amenities
(13) 6 ft x 30 in rectangle folding tables
(49) upholstered chairs
(14) 48 in round tables
Included AV Equipment
Portable Fender PA System
Wired table top microphone
iPod connection
Flat screen presentation display
HDMI connnection & cable
Please contact your event coordinator to discuss the use of nonuniversity AV companies in this space.
Room Usage Requirements
- This space is a self-services space and you are permitted to setup or manipulate the furniture on your own.
- If you prefer to have the room setup or reset by WFF Facility Services please contact your assigned event coordinator to schedule it at least (3) business days in advance.
- If you are having food or drink in this space, you are required to have a post-clean performed by WFF Facility Services. Please contact your event coordinator to schedule it at least (3) business days in advance.
- The room must be reset back to the standard room layout (see layout above) before the end of your reservation period or you will be charged an emergency housekeeping fee.
- Department / Group is responsible for reviewing and understanding all university / Campus Life policies as it pertains to the use of this space. For a complete list of policies please contact your assigned event coordinator.
Food & Drink – Standard Level Spaces
You may bring food & drink into this space provided that:
1) You utilize a licensed caterer or licensed restaurant; OR pre-packaged retail foods.
2) No open flames or hot plates are used.
3) No potluck style foods or foods prepared in the space.
4) You advised your assigned event coordinator to schedule a required post-clean by WFF Facility Services.
Room Notes
The storage room contains all the tables and chairs for this space. The storage room will unlock at the time of your reservation.
All windows must be closed at the end of your reservation.