The Campus Life Event Management team is devoted to making your event exceptional. To accomplish this goal, we partner with other departments and vendors on campus.

Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions
Grounds services
WashU Grounds Services contracts Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions to provide lawn care, athletic field care, landscaping, litter and leaf pickup, snow and ice removal, trash hauling/dumpsters, as well as other services.
Phone: 314-935-4533

Harvey Media Center
Audio-visual media rental services
Harvey Media Center (HMC) Media Rentals provides self-service audio and video equipment for rental to students, staff faculty and guests of Washington University for a minimal cost.
Phone: 314-935-3961
HMC Website

Office of Sustainability
Resources for greening your event
Host a certified Green Event! To request reusable dishes, waste sorting stations, or compost collection services, or simply to browse resources such as “green” caterers or florists, please go to:
Green Event Resources
Phone: 314-935-4997

Parking & Transportation
Coordinate parking and transportation options for your meeting or event.
Contact the WashU Parking & Transportation Office for information on parking, reserving parking spots and options for getting to and from campus.
Phone: 314-935-5601
Parking & Transportation Website

ResLife Housekeeping
Event setup, tear-down, and cleanup
ResLife Housekeeping provides the event setup, teardown and cleanup for South40 and Village spaces on the Danforth Campus. If your event requires setup or tear-down in any ResLife spaces, please contact your event coordinator.
Phone: 315-935-5076

Sodexo Catering
WashU dining services food and beverage management.
Sodexo is the on-campus caterer for the Danforth campus, as of May 18, 2023. Sodexo is committed to providing the best on-campus meal experience. Campus Life Event Management does require most events to utilize Sodexo for all food & beverage service.
To learn more about Sodexo, online ordering and catering requirements, open the link above.

WFF Facility Services
Event setup, tear-down and cleanup
WFF (or HES) and ResLife Housekeeping Services. Event setup, tear-down and cleanup. WFF or ResLife Housekeeping provides the event setup, tear-down and cleanup for Danforth Campus. For premier spaces a post-clean is required and is an additional charge. Clients have the option to opt for a pre-clean of the space at an additional charge. Contact your event coordinator to arrange for the necessary WFF or ResLife Housekeeping services for your meeting/event.

Washington University police department
Select events are large enough to require assistance from the police department for extra security or crowd control. Event Management can assist clients in scheduling event planning meetings with the police department at Washington University.
Phone: 314-935-5555