
Available Easels: 10

Campus Life Event Management is happy to offer easels available to rent for your event needs. 


Easels must be requested a minimum of 3 business days in advance. Your assigned event coordinator will review the request and send you a confirmation that the easels are available for use.

In addition to easels, you may also request foam boards  which fit 8.5″ x 11″ signage. You are responsible for printing your own signage. Availability of foam boards is limited. 

Easels must be picked up at the Campus Life Office, DUC Suite 257 (2nd floor of Campus Life), between 8:30AM and 5PM. Easels can be picked up one business day prior to the event, or the day of the event. Easels must be returned the next business day by 10AM.

Event Management Easel Request Form

Event Information

Name of your event as it appears in Reserve A Space
Date of your event in Reserve A Space
Building Name AND Room Name
Email address of requester
Phone Number of Requester (3145551234)
Department / student group must be the same as Reserve A Space

Pick Up Options

What time will you pick up the easels?

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