DUC Banners
Available Banners: 6
The DUC offers advertising through the Tisch Commons Banner Advertising Program. This program allows for 6 single-sided banners to be installed on the balcony railings surrounding Tisch Commons.
- Banner space must be requested using Reserve-A-Space.
- Banner spaces may be requested for seven consecutive days beginning on Mondays. Each group or department may make only one reservation per month.
- Reservations for banner space must be made at least 30 days in advance of the display dates requested.
- There are six approved banner locations along the east and west balconies of Tisch Commons. Banners may not be hung in any other location with the exception of the stairway landing in Tisch Commons, which is only to be used during a reserved commons event.
- Banners will be printed on 3 ft.x 9 ft. horizontal white vinyl material. No exceptions will be made as to the size, color, orientation or material of the banners.
- Banners must be printed through the DUC approved printing company by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. The cost of producing a banner through this process is $100. Banners that have previously been approved through this process may be reused at no additional printing cost but must be cleared by the Campus Life staff before a reservation will be approved. Banners that are reused will incur a $20 posting fee. An account number will be required when making the banner reservation.
- Installation and removal of banners will be handled by the DUC staff, using approved methods. Any banners hung without permission, in a location other than those designated or by anyone other than DUC staff will be removed.
- Banner reservations may be restricted at any time to accommodate special events. These restrictions are at the discretion of the Executive Director of Campus Life.
- A minimum of two weeks is needed to print a banner order.
- The Campus Life staff reserves the right to reject any banner design element that is considered inappropriate (unsuitable use of language and/or graphics) and any banner that does not follow the above banner policy guidelines. Banners must also comply with general university guidelines and code of conduct.
- Any written material that is not in English must have an adjacent word-for-word English translation.