Chalk Walls

Available Walls: 7

Chalk walls are located on the second floor of the Danforth University Center, surrounding the Fun Room.


There are seven wall spaces available to university recognized student groups and departments.

Chalk wall reservations begin on Monday and may be requested for two weeks of each month.

NOTE: select the date of the Monday on which you would like your reservation to begin.  For a single week’s reservation, DO NOT attempt to select a recurrence.  No other days will show as available.  By selecting an available Monday, you are securing a reservation for that entire week (Monday-Sunday.)  If you are requesting two weeks, you will need to select two Mondays only using the recurrence button in Reserve-A-Space.

Chalk walls may be decorated anytime during the week of your confirmed reservation.  Chalk is available at the Fun Room information desk in the Danforth University Center.  Chalk walls will be cleaned at the end of your reservation.

The chalk wall behind the Fun Room information desk is for Danforth University Center use only and may not be reserved.