Underpass Panels
Available Panels: 24

Located in the tunnel connecting the South40 to the main Danforth Campus of Washington University, the Underpass Panels are a vibrant way to advertise upcoming events for students, faculty, and staff.
Guidelines & Program
General Program Description:
Event Management offers 24 paintable panels (flat, pyramid, sphere & cube) for reservation. These panels are located in the Forsyth Blvd underpass connecting the Danforth Campus to the South 40.
Each panel is a designated space that allows recognized student groups and university departments to advertise upcoming events by sharing the name of the sponsoring group, and the event date, time, and location. Student groups will be given the paint supplies needed to create vibrant murals within the approved panel.
Note: Paint is the only approved medium for use on panels. Flyers, banners or other materials are not permitted to be affixed to panels when they are reserved.
- Panels are available to reserve from September 1 (first day of programming) through December 8 (last day of programming) during the fall semester and January 13 through April 27 for the spring semester.
- The first Underpass panels may be requested for two (2) consecutive weeks at a time within a thirty (30) day period.
- Underpass reservations begin on a Saturday and run for one week (Saturday-Friday).
- Panel painting is allowed only on Saturday or Sunday. No weekday painting is permitted.
Requesting a Panel:
- Panel reservation requests must be made through Reserve A Space with the reservation beginning on a Saturday.
- Visit https://eventmanagement.wustl.edu/items/underpass-panels/. Scroll down and select the “Request A Panel” button near the bottom of the page.
- You may also visit reserve.wustl.edu directly and select the Danforth Campus Standard and Advertising Spaces template from the menu.
- In the filters section select the Saturday in which you wish to begin your reservation.
- Set your time from 7AM-11PM
- In the “Room Name” search box type “Underpass” and click search.
- You may need to scroll down in your search results to locate the available panels for that Saturday. If no results appear – then all panels have been reserved. Select a different Saturday.
- Once you have located the panel you wish to request – complete the reservation form and submit your request. Reservation needs to list a description of the program, time, date and location.
- All requests require approval and once a determination has been made you will receive an email with the confirmation and additional instructions. Submitting a request does not guarantee approval.
- Student groups must have event submitted and approved in WUGO before a panel reservation will be approved. Event information submitted in WUGO must match panel reservation information.
- Multiple groups are permitted to reserve up to three panels to combine to advertise for one event.
- Groups who reserve panels but don’t paint them may lose their ability to reserve panels in the future.
NOTE: For a single week’s reservation, DO NOT attempt to select a recurrence. No other days will show as available. By selecting an available Saturday, you are securing a reservation for that entire week (Saturday-Friday.)
Additional Painting Details:
- Student Union groups will be given priority for underpass reservations.
- Paint is the only approved medium for use on panels. Flyers, banners or other materials are not permitted to be affixed to panels when they are reserved.
- Painting can only be done on the reserved panel and not permitted on non-reserved panels, the sidewalk, walls or ceiling.
- Only registered student groups will be provided paint supplies. University departments must provide their own paint supplies
- University departments may request an underpass panel two (2) weeks before the reservation is to begin, if available.
- Registered student groups who receive approval for painting will be required to pick up a paint room key from the Campus Life Office during business hours (8:30 am – 5:00 pm) the Friday prior to your reservation. Keys must be returned the following Monday during same business hours.
- Groups are required to clean up all areas and tools/supplies and return all tools/supplies to the paint room in their proper storage areas once their panel is complete.
- Groups who do not follow the rules for reserving and painting underpass panels may lose their ability to reserve panels in the future, or may be subject to other student group conduct sanctions, as appropriate
- Campus Life reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy.